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Start Your Business Right: 3 Mistakes That Hurt Mompreneurs

Marissa Perez

As a mompreneur, you have a lot on your plate. If you want to succeed at business without losing out on precious time with your little ones, there are several mistakes to avoid. Once you know what to do, you can set up a successful plan.

Refusing To Delegate

All business owners benefit from delegating. Moms benefit from it too. In business, if you give other members of your staff more responsibility, they are more likely to thrive and rise to the occasion. Business owners who do not trust their staff or do not delegate tend to have a higher turnover rate. Additionally, delegating allows you to focus on other aspects of the business. Give your partner more of the childcare obligations or consider hiring a babysitter.

If you have a child with autism or special needs, look for a babysitter or caregiver who has experience working with kids with special needs. Look to close friends, family members, or people from your child's school. Kids with special needs may feel more comfortable with a caregiver they know. In addition, let any caregiver know your kid's preferences and different needs. For instance, if they love the movie Inside Out, put that on a list of approved movies for the sitter.

Creating a Vague Business Plan

If you have a vague business plan, your business cannot thrive. Your business plan should have details about your mission, your marketing strategy, your plan to obtain funding and your profit expectations. Not only does your business plan help others see the potential of your business, but it is also a blueprint for you to follow.

In your business plan, detail your marketing strategy extensively. Nowadays, most businesses need to focus on social media marketing, SEO content, direct mail marketing, etc. Consider using Word to make significant text and image edits when making marketing materials. Editing and formatting PDFs may be more time-consuming and difficult. Once you complete the edits in Word, you can use a free tool that can help you convert Word to PDF. All you have to do is upload your word Doc, convert the file and save it as a PDF.

Failing To Find a Work-Life Balance

To juggle your business and family successfully, make a schedule. You should have specific times for work, breaks, childcare, playtime, exercise, and more. If you do not have a schedule, you may struggle to fit all of your priorities into your day.

Set aside a day for yourself. For example, if you want Thursday to be your day, work a little extra on Wednesday and Friday to ensure that you have time for yourself. Without a work-life balance, you are more likely to suffer burnout. Set priorities and do not spread yourself too thin. Have family discussions about your work and life balance. Communication allows you to express your needs to your family and for them to do the same.

According to experts, you have to be able to separate your work from your personal life. If you focus too much on work and not enough on your family, you are more likely to feel under attack from constant work stress. Even if you work from home, try to designate spaces for work and spaces to have fun with your family.

If you want to juggle your new business with motherhood, there are steps you can take to make it a reality. When you focus on prioritizing different aspects of your life, you can create an intentional balance.

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